Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The LITTLE white lie … Bluffing Sovereigns out of their rights….

By Peta Ridgeway, Member of the Kattung Nation

Imagine there is a game that 2 people sit down to play, one player knowing all the rules & the other player not knowing one. Who do you suppose would win the game if the one who knows the rules is a cheat by nature?

The game is called stealing sovereignty. The board is our Lands.
The Rules are Sovereign Rights. Winner takes all.

The one who knows the rules has been playing this game for a few thousand years…

After years of them making moves for us, Mob are getting to know the rules.

We the Original People of this continent have continuing sovereignty, though the Crown & purported governments (PG) upon our continent have bluffed us into believing that it is non existent. They have worked hard to invalidate our belief in sovereignty via the genetic memory of fear of violence enforced upon us throughout the generations. To this day it uses tools such as racist policy & police forces to bully us into believing there is no other option to be free so we fall into quiet desperation, destitution, complacency & submission to their jurisdiction.

Within our own collective paradigm many of us who are aware of sovereignty think that we should either leave it alone because we will suffer as our Ancestors did or that we will have to fight to achieve it because the PG won’t give sovereignty to us.

A few home truths….
For us Mob upon this continent as we have not ceded our sovereignty through treaty, no entity can give us Sovereignty beside our parents!!! It is our BIRTHRIGHT…
Nor can anyone steal our sovereignty; they can only bluff us into believing it doesn’t exist as they have done since 1770.

What we DO have to do is assert our continuing sovereignty. This action results in stepping out of their jurisdiction. The work then is learning about our sovereign rights and then using, walking & planting them in our daily lives. This means being free from the governance of a foreign power that continually seeks to rob us of our freedom. Sovereignty is about protecting our FREEDOM …

Once suvereigns (a sovereign individual) have the awareness of these truths then the hard work, if chosen can expand onto the rebuilding of nationhood.

We as Mobs have mostly forgotten what true freedom is, we have been trained to forget. I guess the hardest work of a suvereign is to believe in, accept & own freedom for ourselves, for our children & for our linage to come.


If the knowledge of our “sovereign rights” was as common as the propaganda that is taught in education institutions about us & upheld in society then the PG would not be in power. The common person would even know about the illegal status it has here, this would create a scrutiny by the people that it definitely couldn’t handle. Perhaps British subjects would want to be part of our jurisdiction instead of the PG’s. This would challenge their very existence. The PG has a staunch commitment to bluff all of us for as long as they can to retain (in our minds) total power of this continent.

In their illegal jurisdiction the instrument & self appointed relationship they formed over us was & still is the PG as the “Protector/Trustee” & us as the state ward/POW*/beneficiary. This means that they are responsible for all decision making & management of our communities, affairs, finances, lands & resources.

No matter what political party (sales team) is in power it has the Protector/Trustee instrument over us en masse unless we choose to free ourselves. The Labour party of the 80’s wasn’t so publicly heavy handed in its use of the instrument though we can see that the Labour party of 2008 is using the instrument for all its worth as we look at the whole intervention issue. It has used this instrument to further steal land, resources, withhold wealth from the Mob & of course to assimilate us further so who we are as can be forgotten in a generation or 2. The instrument is executed under “the knowing what’s best for us guise”. At the time of writing I was informed about failed attempt at the quarantining of payments in Yuendumu, Walpiri Nation. The whole of the community including community stores had told it a loud & proud “no” to quarantining. Yuendumu is the only Mob as a prescribed community to have no quarantining of payments. In this situation the Walpiri used their sovereign right to govern in rejecting the jurisdiction of a foreign power. Any move by the PG asserting its policy on a sovereign without their permission is an “ACT OF WAR”.

Their jurisdiction over us is a bluff in itself. It has no sovereignty here itself. Only we do. This not only stems from our lawful authority but its own legal point of view for example, in 1872 “The Pacific Islander Protection Act” came into being .An amendment to “The Pacific Islander Protection Act 1875”states that the queen of the parliament of the UK could only exercise its’ laws (not sovereignty) over British subjects, and that the UK parliament had, by this amendment, clarified that:

Nothing herein or in any such Order in Council shall extend or be construed to extend to invest Her Majesty with any claim or title whatsoever to dominion or sovereignty over any such islands (ie: the Pacific Islands) or places as aforesaid (ie: the Australasian Colonies including Australia and NZ), or to derogate from the rights of the tribes or people inhabiting such islands or places, or of the Chiefs or rulers thereof, to such sovereignty or dominion……….”


There is only one way out…using our sovereign right to be free. There has been a very deliberate campaign to bluff us out of our “sovereign jurisdiction” & into the PG’s illegal jurisdiction .The campaign has been faithfully upheld since 1770 & driven through;

➢ Terrorism:

• by instilling fear into Mobs through a long running history of outright violence through war, permitted genocide & police brutality,
• murders & mistreatment in police & other institutions “protective” custody ie: Deaths in Custody
• the kidnapping of children & destruction of the natural family/community unit,
• forced immigration en masse from Homelands,
• the forced institutionalization or imprisonment of whole communities through the mission system,
• slave labour of our communities en masse including children,
• martial law in communities,
• being under perpetual surveillance & social scrutiny,
• capital & corporal punishment suffered by families & individuals for; - speaking our own languages,
- believing in our own spiritual systems,
- & the practice of our own divine Law,

➢ Denial:

• of rent,
• of management of our own finances ie: Stolen Wages
• of justice on all levels & in all aspects,
• of compensation or reparation of any crime,
• of presence & voice within the their jurisdiction,
• of the status of being “human” in legal terms ,
• of our nationalities;
• of our international identity,
• of our authority over our cultural lore & knowledge,
• of our creation or origins,
• of our own education, spiritual systems and our divine Law,
• of our own sustainable lifestyle or culture,
• of our vision for a quality of life,
• of access to our Homelands & places of sacred significance,
• of authority of our Homelands & places of sacred significance,

➢ Propaganda:

• by intergenerational brainwashing through the education & mission system of whole communities to enforce western values & lifestyle, ie: assimilation,
• by editing, censoring or even deleting accounts of history ,ie: the “British Invasion”.
• through appointment of scientists & anthropologists as authorities of our culture & creation (origins),
• teaching legal fiction that uphold their jurisdiction throughout institutions both here & globally, ie: “The aborigines come from Africa”
• by poisoning the faith of our spiritual systems in order to enable the en masse conversion of our people to Christianity,
• by deviating cultural knowledge such as tribal & national boundaries to further deny our nations & nationalities,
• by leading the world astray until 1972 that the indigenous people of the continent were “White Australians”
• to enable division in the wider community by creating & upholding racist social stereotypes such as,
ie “aboriginals get everything for free.

These points are only a broad few, as you know so many more can be added. The examples of the 29 points above are 29 ways they have forced us to divert our attention from our truth, being sovereigns with rights & a jurisdiction. Once their diversion is believed in then we submit to their illegal jurisdiction. In their jurisdiction the only place promised to us is enslavement.

On the other hand the 29 points above are 29 reasons to set yourself & your Mob free.


In order for us to forget & not get educated about our true rights they have diverted our movements onto the “civil rights” path.

Our fight against the illegal occupation upon our lands from another nation & their sovereignty or rule started in the 1770’s with the “British Invasion Wars” (hundreds of National Wars) fought against Britain & later her newborn colony “Australia” across our continent from 1770 – 1930’s.These were our first feudal campaigns on such a scale.

Our Earliest political campaigns were born out of our sovereignty being honoured like the campaign of the Pallawa petitioning the British monarchy in the late 1800’s about honouring the verbal treaty made with them in the 1820’s as Sovereigns.

In 1967 after a long hard fight the Mob was given the “civil right” to vote. Our civil rights movement was finally acknowledged after 30 yrs as well as supposedly dropping our “fauna & flora” status in Australian society.

Our Sovereignty movement continentally hit its peak during the late 60’s –late 70’s with many events such as the strike led by Vincent Lingiari in the NT, the birth of the Tent Embassy in the ACT & international interest in our state of affairs from China & then globally for the first time.

With this state of affairs attention had to diverted. This is when our people were first given government jobs, federal & state budgets allocated for health, housing & education thus funding for organizations. This diverted attention from our sovereign rule & their illegal status here. They did anything to shut us up & to plant the seeds of forgetfulness about our sovereignty. As trustee the PG had to give a little back then to protect itself, funnily enough just about everything that it gave back then has been & is in the process of being taken from us today.


In 1494 the Papal Bull of Oceania came into existence. The Bull is a declaration given by the Vatican a nation unto itself. This came about by the colonizing nations of the world bickering about their booty being raided by each other so they went to the Pope to sort this problem out. As the purported ruler of the world & looking to expand his dominion or sovereignty, he then divided the globe up like a mandarine & assigned zones to each at the table, our Nations sit within the zone assigned to Britain.

They called our continent “Terra Australis”, Land of Spirit or Light.

So the big picture is …Britain was given the Vatican’s Papal Bull jurisdiction over our part of the globe since 1494.

It is well known that the Dutch, French & Portuguese visited before 1770, they had a job to do….they mapped our land, chartered our waters, studied our peoples & resources. Throughout the coasts of our continent we have many accounts of these liaisons; in fact there are Mobs that carry these bloodlines as a result of these visits well before the Invasion of Britain.

In 1770 our continent was given another name but only in legal terminology, Terra Nullius (Empty Land), this is when in regards to their laws our peoples became “flora & fauna”. When land is deemed Terra Nullius it paves the way to “settlement” (legal term for squatting) & then opens the door to plant “Common Law”…This is how their law came to be upon our continent illegally.

Right now we are hearing about “Australia becoming a republic” .A referendum asking the same “republic question” to the Australian people can not be asked again ,it is illegal within their jurisdiction to do so. Though the PG has a couple of options up its sleeve;

➢ It can secede from the Crown…..meaning it can break away from the Crown, British Parliament (BP) & Commonwealth just as the 40 or so micro-nations called “principalities” have done upon this continent (a bit of history that the above mentioned didn’t want you to know about, the Principality of Hutt River being the 1st) It is a movement that has been happening over the past 36 years. These principalities as its name suggests are ruled by “princes”. These people realized that for themselves to step out of the jurisdiction they needed “sovereignty” so they declared themselves “princes” .In reality they have a very flimsy type of sovereignty in fact these principalities need to have the legitimate sovereignty of the people of the land to be totally empowered. Even if it means having Originies* within the citizenship base, then our sovereignty is used to justify their own (the vampirism of our sovereignty!). At this point of time with the PG changing laws about land tenure in regards to fee simple (a clause on deed & title meaning no one can enter the property uninvited including police or crown) now more than ever these principalities are & will be seeking the Originies of the land having had a taste of freedom from the purported government’s jurisdiction.

➢ The British Parliament can repeal the Australian Constitution Act 1901...
This means that since the Australian Constitution is just an act of the British Parliament it can erase the entity called “Australia” at the stroke of a pen.
The British parliament could offer “Independence”. Though ,it is not true severance as the name would suggest.
The problem with independence given from the crown is that it will still have ties to the British Parliament .Here is how….

It is the expected that the signatories of any official document/instrument such as a declaration of independence or treaty are either opposing or independent bodies.
If one of the signatories is in service or employ of the other signatory then it makes the agreement, be it a declaration or treaty null & void.

Kevin Rudd has sworn allegiance to the Queen of the British Parliament as a Prime Minister which means he is in service to the British Parliament & the Queen. An official document produced between them is null & void.


In any case the new republic will need sovereignty to become a legal entity…

They will have to get it from somewhere…

Here is a look at what could happen….

➢ Soon enough the begging of a treaty will begin again through the reconciliation movement. For example; It was in their best interest to have had us to beg for a “Sorry”. Why? Because the people demanded an apology for years with nothing else prominently attached such as compensation & reparation thus the apology alone became a “legal remedy” to the whole Stolen Generation/Stolen Wages issue, in which we were paid in full. The people need to be clear & strong about the direction of their campaigns & not be contaminated by purported government’s guided versions of them.

➢ It will ratify the UN Declaration of Indigenous Rights. All in the name of “good will”. The UN is an image laundering machine. It protects, primps & polishes the purported government’s & other the member states’ image within the international community .The PG ratifies treaties to benefit its image & has used the UN in its former glory as the League of Nations to justify itself as an international entity by signing onto international treaties. It only has domestic sovereignty under the British Parliament since it is still legally a colony of Britain. We all know it doesn’t heed the UN charters. Their law is not enforceable upon any nation .They are at best guidelines. Under the UN charters, indigenous populations (of the nations that have been colonized) come under the status of peoples. Peoples are not seen as nations thus their sovereignty or nationhood is not acknowledged by that body. The “4th World” is made up of such peoples. The PG has always shared this view in regards to Originies upon this continent. We are put under the banner of “peoples”. This means in their jurisdiction we are seen as one body, one people. This is akin to seeing Africa as one country & all its Mobs as one nationality.

➢ They will manufacture the “Treaty of all treaties”. The treaty will be a style that cedes our sovereignty & looks upon us as a people. It will offer the approval of the creation of defacto governments in remote communities especially to those Mobs that are using or threatening to use their sovereign rights. A defacto style government is one that rules within a jurisdiction though is funded by and ultimately adheres to the jurisdiction of a mother government; in autonomy, defacto governments are just one step above a shire council in reality. For the rest of the continent it will initiate a treaty with its handpicked indigenous leaders to represent all Mob & they will sign off on for the continental ceding of sovereignty. The purported government will use our sovereignty to build the future republic. The vampirism of sovereignty at its peak.

Only Nations that have proclaimed their continuing sovereignty will be free from such actions.

If we think that the policy within their jurisdiction is inhumane now than how it will be when Kevin Rudd has the free reign to make any Law unhindered….in the name of building a “republic”….????


Latin: meaning the original people. The term is starting to be used internationally through the opposition of using the term “aborigine” because of its meaning in Latin.
Ab= not
Origine=original people

Prisoner Of War. A Nation that has had a declaration of war made against them without a treaty of peace negotiated with them at any time afterwards is deemed to be still at war. Kattung had war declared upon them on 30th March 1804.The Kattung Nation members within the PG jurisdiction are POW’s.

Birthrights can never be given by a foreign power be it government, monarchy or corporation. They are born with oneself just as we were given a body at birth. We carry birthrights within us. Our hands & feet were given at birth to be used for this lifetime so are our birthrights.

Sovereign rights are our birthright to govern upon & protect our homelands, to uphold our Law, to determine our own destinies whether that be spiritually, culturally or economically, to be apart of the international community & to be free from the jurisdiction of foreign powers.

Civil rights are rights that can only be given to the people by a state/government or monarchy.

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